Seven is a small number indeed, if put alongside ninety. Seven years: that’s how long it took La Sportiva to shift from being a benchmark technical shoe factory to an all-encompassing brand in the outdoor industry. What’s more, further leaps forward have taken place in Ziano since 2011, the year the apparel project was launched. These days, you can walk into a flagship store in landmark climbing locations and wear the La Sportiva style from top to bottom. Talking about a specific style is not a coincidence; the first collections, in fact, sported vivid, ground-breaking colours, the same, highly influential ones, seen in the first climbing shoes.
Yellow, red and blue, a bold and daring colour blocking, revised each season following authentic fashion trends and external influences. Slowly but surely, this colour palette influenced the chromatic choices of shoes, as well. Quite oddly, this revolution started in reverse, since the first items of clothing involved ski touring, followed by running and then climbing. Their shoe business developed exactly at the other end of the spectrum. These days, La Sportiva apparel stands for a sparkling reality: its six-person team is fully employed in the search for new projects, taking into account the urban world as well as the one of indoor climbing walls, aiming at bringing the La Sportiva gamut of colours in grey city districts.
Our engagement in the clothing industry is something more than a new commodity. It is the definitive transformation of La Sportiva from manufacturer to global brand